Welcome to my website. My name is Colin McGregor, and I'm an ACRP-certified clinical research professional. I work as a project coordinator with Confidence Pharmaceutical Research. I hold a B.A. in Cognitive Science (+ a psychology minor) from Johns Hopkins University, and I'm based in Chicago.
I was published on 6/25/2022! Click here to read our paper on the effects of guitar therapy on Parkinson's Disease patients.
My overall research interests are mainly in cognitive neuropsychology as it applies to music. Past projects of mine fall into two main categories: music as therapy for neurodegenerative movement disorder patients (through the Johns Hopkins Center for Music and Medicine); and longitudinal atypical parkinsonism data collection. I ran a pilot study from 2021-2022 that used music and a gait monitoring device to improve Parkinson's Disease patients' walking ability.